Work-Life Balanced in Time of Pandemic

Workplace Institute of Nusantara (WIN) akan mengadakan Webinar pada hari Selasa, tanggal 5 Mei jam 19.00 - 20.30 dengan topik Work-Life Balanced in Time of Pandemic Pembicara Clive Lim dan Antonius Tanan.

Clive Lim will focus on the principle of biblical work-life rhythm during pandemic, based on the Theology of Work perspective.

  • Work-Life Balance : Juggling, Balance or Chaos? Which one is mine? And, what is the biblical picture of it?
  •  Four questions to ask for : What is my calling? What do I value? What do I really love? What relationships has God entrusted to me?
  •  Does this biblical truth of work-life principle change due to circumstances, such as the pandemic situation we live in today?

Antonius Tanan will focus on the practical aspects of work-life rhythm during pandemic, especially in Indonesian context.

  •  What changes that the pandemic brings to our work-life dynamics?
  •  What should we do as Christian professionals to cope up with those changes without losing our integrity?
  •  How to manage transition between work and personal time? How to avoid “24/7 ideal worker” trap caused by WFH?
  •  How to stay fruitful during WFH situation, both in work and in personal life?

Clive Lim akan berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris dan Antonius Tanan akan gunakan bahasa Indonesia.

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Administrator 5 Mei 2020
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